Saturday, July 25, 2015

"मैं हिंदी"

अवध का ढृढ़-वचन ,"मैं हिंदी"
ब्रज वेणु सम्मोहन, "मैं हिंदी"
चिर शाश्वत उद्बोधन , "मैं हिंदी"
भारत युग दर्पण , "मैं हिंदी"!!

कबीर-दुहाई , "मैं हिंदी"
तुलसी-चौपाई , "मैं हिंदी"
सुर की दृष्टि , "मैं हिंदी"
मीरा की भक्ति , "मैं हिंदी"

राणा की ललकार , "मैं हिंदी"
झाँसी की तलवार , "मैं हिंदी"
प्रथम शांति संवाद ,"मैं हिंदी"
स्वराज शंखनाद , "मैं हिंदी"

‘ख़ुसरो’ की पहेली , "मैं हिंदी"
‘भूषण’ की शैली , " मैं हिंदी"
‘दिनकर’ का धर्म, "मैं हिंदी"
‘महादेवी’ का मर्म , "मैं हिंदी"
लखनवी ठाट, "मैं हिंदी"
हरियाणवी बात , "मैं हिंदी"
स्वाद और त्यौहार, "मैं हिंदी"
अतिथि सत्कार , "मैं हिंदी"

मिथिला से काशी , "मैं हिंदी"
जयपुर से राँची , "मैं हिंदी"
असंख्य शब्द कोष , "मैं हिंदी"
एकता उद्घोष, "मैं हिंदी"

विनम्र निवेदन ,"मैं हिंदी"
सात्विक संवेदन,"मैं हिंदी"
नित भांति प्रकार , "मैं  हिंदी"
परिवर्तन के अनुसार , "मैं हिंदी"

गंगा का विस्तार, "मैं हिंदी"
हिम-शिखर श्रृंगार,"मैं हिंदी"
प्रखर अस्मिता , "मैं हिंदी"
सम्मुज्वला सविता , "मैं हिंदी"
उन्नत पथ साथी, मैं हिंदी
आत्म-विश्वास बढ़ाती मैं हिंदी
हूँ गर्वित इतिहास, मैं हिंदी
सतत सुगम विकास ,मैं हिंदी

© जूही गुप्ते

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Given the senses
to see, smell, hear
taste and feel
One grows up
Embryo once;
learns to crawl
and to fall

Traits gets boned
Along with the flesh,                                 
To cringe the eyes;                             
Seal the real
Terrain of the paranoid
Ears deafened to
Overlook and avoid

Odour goes foul;
In robes of pleasing egos
Ignoring the emanations
Of humanity
Touch becomes
a hidden desire
to suffice depraved mind

Tongue perils
Crucifies the verity
Curbing the fossils
Continual Obituary
Laughing at the epitaph
Of Morals
Construing them as a folly

Survival-of –the- cunning
At that one moment
Is thumb rule for all
Mimic the winner
Walk the flock
Of blind sheep
Goal the delusion

Lesson the other
On the lower ladder
With Piece of
Self-praised “wisdom”
Accumulated in the blood
Now as impurity

Death then knocks
As a cleanser of cloaks
Unlocks the soul
From the bondage
Of falsehood
At Aghast,
Final Pulse understood
Growth was a trap

© Juhi Gupte

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Blues don’t complain
For clouds are dense
Untold desires will rain
Dousing all in consequence
For they trust the Big Star
Will rise just-in- time

Seed when soiled
Smothered in darkness
Left out to be buried
is set to shed its brown
Believing the water splash
Will life it just-in –time

Rodents lair
Insects crawl
Micro-beings breathe
Free to survive
Assured that the gravity
Will clasp all just-in-time

Fluttering undoubtedly
Wings in-accordance
With the gusts;
Giants keep walking
Jaws and claws run
In reliance to the laws
Of Nature are just-in-time

Conditional and in suspicion
we nag and curse;
But backing all unbiased
Still and the moving
The Supreme wouldn’t betray
Once let the fait accompli
Salvage us just-in-time

© Juhi Gupte